S-Scripture:  Exodus 1:17; 21, v17,17 But the midwives feared God, and did not do as the king of Egypt commanded them, but saved the male children alive.”  v21,21 And so it was, because the midwives feared God, that He provided households for them.”

O-Observation:  Joseph had passed away at the end of the book of Genesis.  The Bible tells us that there was a new Pharaoh who took office, but he did not remember Joseph.  When he (the new king) observed the land, he noticed that the Israelites (Hebrews) were growing in number, so he made them slaves and commanded that every “male” child (of the Hebrews) should be aborted.  The king set two midwives (Shiphrah and Puah) over the birthing and labor division.  The Bible tells us that these ladies feared God!  Not only did they fear God, but they stood in the gap for these helpless babies.  The Bible tells us that because they feared God they were given households, houses, or families of their own. 

A-Application:  Since 1973, there have been 48,589,993
abortions in the United States of America.  I am truly dumbfounded when it comes to what takes place inside the minds of those who abort their children.  FACT: Nearly 90% of abortion-minded women choose to carry their pregnancy to term after receiving counseling and viewing an ultrasound. Having three children of my own, I can’t understand how our government would allow this travesty to take place in our country.  Now, before I get hate mail, let me say, I am moved with compassion for those who feel like there is no way of escape.  They may fill trapped or pressured to have an abortion, but there are other options.  There are many people in our country who would love the opportunity to become the parents of your unborn baby. 

MORE APPLICATION:  For me, the application for this verse is the willingness for me to fear God and stand in the gap for those who cannot speak for themselves.  Here are some good links for information about Sanctity of Life.  Click here, here and here.

P-Prayer:  God, my Father, I have to admit to you that I have not done my part in helping the unborn.  I have not spoke out “in love” against abortion.  Please help me to help those who are in desperate need of You!  Help me to be able to direct people to You, through others who have given their lives to this subject.  Thank you for loving us, and being the God of GRACE!  Help our Country turn back to You!  In Jesus Name.  Amen!