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S-Scripture:  Ruth 1:17, “Where you die, I will die, And there will I be buried.  The LORD do so to me, and more also, if anything but death parts you and me.”

O-Observation:  Naomi had lost her husband and two sons in the country of Moab.  This experience was very painful!  I can’t imagine moving from my homelands with my wife and children, then, losing them.  It would be a tragedy!  So it would seem!  According to this text, there was a famine in the land of Bethlehem, Judah, so Elimelech took his family to the country of Moab.  Now, it would seem tragic to lose your loved ones in a foreign land (and I am sure that it was tragic), but God was able to see the completed picture, whereas, Naomi was only capable of seeing the present.  Little did they know that Ruth would return to Bethlehem, Judah to find a new husband, and from her womb, the Savior, Jesus Christ would eventually be born to a virgin, named, Mary! 

A-Application:  When it seems that things are not going as expected, be encouraged, God knows the outcome!  It may be painful, but when we trust God to come to our aid, the good will outweigh the tragedies. 

P-Prayer:  Dear Father, please help me to trust in the midst of personal tragedies.  Help me to depend on you, and remind me LORD that the outcome will outweigh the struggles if I will submit myself to your righteousness!  Thank you for this wonderful story!  In Jesus Name.  Amen!

May 2024
