You are currently browsing the daily archive for February 20, 2008.

S-Scripture:  Psalm 23:3, “3He restores my soul; He leads me in the paths of righteousness For His name’s sake.”  (NKJV)

O-Observation:  David is the writer of this Psalm.  He gives us a Shepherds’ view of God’s love for us.  The Shepherd would restore the sheep, and would lead them on the right path.  A path that would be directed away from wild animals or their enemies.

A-Application:  I am thankful for God’s restoration!  I am thankful for God’s mercy and protection.  He leads us, He restores us, He protects us, He is the ultimate Shepherd!  There have been many times in my life that I have prayed for God to lead me in the paths of righteousness.  I understand that if we are not lead, our natural direction is to the paths of unrighteousness.  We enjoy the pleasures of sin, but only for a season.  Thanks be to God for His loving discipline and correction to lead us to the paths of righteousness!

P-Prayer:  Father in Heaven, it is my prayer that I would allow Your Spirit to lead me.  I desire to be lead to the paths of righteousness.  Lord, I want to know You more, and I want to do the right things while I live on this earth.  Please help me to trust You!  Help me to understand where it is that You want me to go, so that I can remain on the paths of righteousness for Your Name’s Sake.  In Jesus name I pray.  Amen.

February 2008
