S-Scripture:  Leviticus 19:32, “Thou shalt rise up before the face of the hoary head, and honour the face of the old man, and fear thy God:  I [am] the Lord.”  (KJV)

O-Observation:  Leviticus is a very detail oriented, and instruction driven book, but you can find some Nuggets in this book!  As the Lord instructs Moses, He reminds Moses to show proper respect and honour to the old man.  In a world where people want to euthanize the elderly, God tells us to rise before the hoary, and honour the face of the old man.  And, while we are doing this, we are to do it in the fear of God.  Throughout this book, the Lord has to continually remind Moses, to remind Israel that:  “I [am] the Lord.”  It would seem that they would remember the LORD, but so many times we find them forgetting their God, and chasing after the idols of Egypt!

A-Application:  Older people are a blessing to me.  I need to look for opportunities to bless the grey heads, and honour their lives.  This may mean, carrying their groceries, snow-blowing their driveways, sitting down with them for coffee, or just simply calling them on the phone to honor and respect them.  Whatever area of ministry I can be active in concerning the elderly, will honor God, and will bless them. 

P-Prayer:  Father in Heaven, I give you thanks for the many grey heads you have placed in my life.  Help me to rise before them in respect and honour.  These soldiers have fought a good fight, and I need to glean lots of wisdom from their life experiences.  Help me Lord to be a blessing today.  In Jesus Name.  Amen.